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24. Cafeteria

24. Cafeteria

(Refer to Board Policy EE) 

A cafeteria is operated for Emporia Middle School pupils. Money can be added to meal accounts before school at the Food Service Office located near the cafeteria. Prices will be determined annually. 

1. Students are to talk in a normal voice and keep hands and feet to themselves. 

2. Students will clean up after themselves. 

3. Students will not throw food or other items. 

4. Students will follow the directions of the lunchroom supervisors. 

5. All students shall remain seated unless they have been granted permission by school personnel. 

6. Students will not be dismissed from the lunchroom by a supervisor unless their teacher has given prior permission. 7. Students are not allowed in the classrooms or halls during this time without prior written permission of a teacher. 8. All lunches including sack lunches are to be consumed in the cafeteria. No food will be taken from the cafeteria unless permission is granted.